Veronika Kommová
Co-Founder, Architect
Ondřej Janků
Co-Founder, Architect
Shota Tsikoliya
Co-Founder, Architect
Imge Deniz Polat
Lenka Kucháreková
Artist, Set Designer
Jakub Veselý
Current collaborators
- Anders Haagenrud
- Diana Kravchenko
Former collaborators
- Adam Varga
- Christian Schmitt
- Daniel Sviták
- Hung Chiao Shih
- Juan Valente Castillo
- Kasimir Winter Suter
- Kateřina Krupičková
- Maksym Tatarskyi
- Mara Rugescu
- Marek Kociolek
- Maria Dimitrova
- Martin Ptáčník (Co-Founder)
- Martin Zwahlen
- Minh Thanh Jakobsen
- Petra Sochůrková
- Veronika Mutalová
- Victoria Gerasimova
Selected clients
- Atkins a Langford Development s.r.o.
- B & M Gastro, s.r.o.
- CTP Invest, spol. s r.o.
- ITB Development a.s.
- Kancelář architektury města Karlovy Vary, p. o.
- LAUFEN CZ s.r.o.
- Magna Exteriors (Nymburk) s.r.o.
- PSN s.r.o.
- WineList s.r.o.
- and many great private investors!
- and many great private investors!
Awards and nominations
- German Design Awards 2025 Nominee - Apartment in Vinohrady
- Architect+ TOP 100
- Interior of the Year Finalist, Low-cost Housing - Apartment of an Artist & an Architect
- German Design Awards 2024 Nominee - Apartment of an Artist & an Architect
- Architect+ TOP 100
- ČESKÁ CENA ZA ARCHITEKTURU 2023 Nominee - Café Kontejner
- ArchDaily Building of the Year Nominee - WineList Winery
- 3rd place - Hotel Marriott Invited Competition - Hotel Marriott Atrium
- Interior of the Year Winner, Public Interior I. - WineList Winery
- Big SEE Tourism Design Award Winner - WineList Winery
- Finalist - YAC Riyadh Dream Villas Architectural Competition - Riyadh Dream Villas
- ArchDaily Building of the Year Nominee - Café Kontejner
Selected publications
Mini Building vol.13 - Neighborhood Living Facilities
A&C Publishing
Published projects: Café Kontejner
Architekt + TOP 100 2024
Date of publication: 5/1/2024
Published projects: Corporate Canteen FiladelfieInformation Centre Karlovy Vary
Sibylle Kramer, CONTAINER ARCHITECTURE - Modular Construction Marvels
Braun Publishing, 2023
Published projects: Café Kontejner
ERA 21 05/2024
Date of publication: 10/20/2024
Architekt + 41 UMĚNÍ REKONSTRUKCE 08/2023
Published projects: Magna Corporate Canteen
Architekt + TOP 100 2023
Date of publication: 5/1/2023
Published projects: WineList WineryParking House Atlampa
Published projects: Apartment for an Architect and an Art Collector
ERA 21 04/2019
Date of publication: 4/15/2019
Ornamenty postantropocénu. Studentské práce ateliéru Architektura III Vysoké školy uměleckoprůmyslové v Praze
Když architekti mluví do umění nebo grafiky, nedopadá to nejlíp, říkají architekti COLLARCH
Malá česká věc postavená z kontejnerů zaujala velkého světového architekta
Published projects: Café Kontejner
Exceptional meeting of a bygone era and contemporary architecture
Hype & Hyper
Published projects: WineList Winery
4/12/2024 - 5/25/2024
Galerie UM, UMPRUM, nám. Jana Palacha 80, Praha 1
Thirteen years of the studio led by Professor Imrich Vaško, its successes, and an immense variety of projects.
Exhibited projects: Experimental Structure ČerešněBus stop in Bratislava
6/18/2024 - 8/25/2024
Landscape Festival Praha 2024
Presentation of semester works of the Tsikoliya-Janků studio, Archip; topic: Prague terrain morphology
Thank you for your interest in working at COLLARCH. We are constantly looking for new talents to join our international and interdisciplinary team.
Feel free to send us your portfolio and ideas for potential collaboration.
You can send your application to:
If you prefer to send your application by postal mail, please use the address listed in the contact section. Please note that we can only consider printed portfolios, not CDs or DVDs.
COLLARCH s. r. o.
Na baště sv. Jiří 262/15
160 00 Praha 6, CZ
MgA. Ondřej Janků +420 721 339 175
Doc. MgA. Shota Tsikoliya Ph.D, M.Sc. +420 608 806 352
Registered address & tax data:
Na baště sv. Jiří 262/15
160 00 Praha 6, CZ
160 00 Praha 6, CZ
Tax Code: 193 96 953
VAT identification number: CZ 193 96 953
Registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, file 385969.
Data box: yg9i6k9