Veronika Kommová

Ing. arch. Veronika Kommová (*1987) is authorized architect listed by Czech Chamber of Architects nr. 05554 in the fields A.1 architecture and A.2 urban planning.

She studied architecture at Czech Technical University in Prague where she finished her master's thesis at studio led by doc. Ing. arch. Radek Kolařík and did her exchange programme at Vienna Technical University (studio led by Prof. András Pálffy). Beside studies she gained work experience at various architectural offices both in Czech Republic (Pavel Hnilička Architects + Planners) and Austria (querkraft architekten).

After studies she worked for two years at Maxwan architects+urbanists in Rotterdam (continues as PosadMaxwan, MADMA a MASA architects), where she collaborated at various competitions and studies such as Zukunft Metropole Ruhr (long-term strategy for Ruhr urban area in Germany), Mechelen Boulevard, Belgium and Office & Shopping Centre Bořislavka, Prague. She gained further practical experience at DAM architekti in Prague, where she worked for two years on various residential projects including refurbishment of protected architectural heritage in Prague city centre and led competition teams of e.g. residential development project in Vokovice in Prague. Veronika is a PhD candidate at Czech Technical University where she focuses on shopping malls and their influence on city centres. In 2017 she co-founded architectural studio COLLARCH.

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