Family House Reconstruction & Extension

Key Perspective - Image by Visual Fusion
vizualization: visual fusion




Place: Podolanka, Czech Republic
Type: Architecture Study, Work Permit Documentation, Construction Documentation
Size: Plot Area: 2329m2, GFA: 400m2
Client: Private







Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD COLLARCH
Living room with stairs to bedrooms


Podolanka COLLARCH
View from the master bedroom
Podolanka COLLARCH
view from kitchen, W-I-P Visualization


Podolanka COLLARCH
View to the stairs from the ground floor
Podolanka COLLARCH
View to the stairs from the ground floor


Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
vizualization: visual fusion


Podolanka COLLARCH
reconstruction and extension of the historical house
Podolanka COLLARCH
entrance hallway to the historical house


COLLARCH Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
floor plan - ground floor, Phase: construction documentation 



COLLARCH Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
floor plan - First floor, Phase: construction documentation 



COLLARCH Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
Roof level, Phase: construction documentation 


COLLARCH Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
Section a-A`, B-B`, Phase: construction documentation 


COLLARCH Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
Section C-C`, D-D`, Phase: construction documentation 


COLLARCH Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
Elevation EAST, elevation WEST, Phase: construction documentation 


COLLARCH Rekonstrukce a nástavba RD
Elevation South, elevation North, Phase: construction documentation